Saturday, November 14, 2015

my last few days

I spent three days this week in our old city.... it was wonderful! Long, sweet conversations with dear friends, some of whom I see often (but rarely get chances to really really talk about anything on our minds) and others that I see not-nearly-so-often.

A highlight was certainly seeing Xiao Li and her son (already five years old!)  Cannot believe how many years we have enjoyed a friendship!  Over a decade now :)

Matt was on a big trip too and sweet Amanda stayed here with the kids while we were both gone (Matt headed way north, me a shorter trip south).  The kids LOVED their time with their "Ms. Manda" and she is so great with them!  Truly truly a gift to our entire family to have her in our lives!

She schooled, she cooked, she did it all!  Amazing!  And then on Friday night we were all seven together again.... (with a few extra guests in the house, ha!  our guest room is a busy place!)

This morning it was early wake up calls and loading the van for the big soccer tournament.  More on that to come. After all the travel and guests and soccer-ing I'm needing a slow evening with an early bedtime!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Xiao Li looks great and her son so big and handsome! So glad you got to visit and catch up - now to get her and family to your house for a visit!