Thursday, July 2, 2015

practice makes perfect (thank goodness for some progress)

I am a big fan of the afternoon reading hour.  It is a heathy habit for our family.  For years I've structured our day around some downtime after lunch.  Julianna napped well past her fourth birthday, so there was a nice stretch where I had three afternoon nappers.  Now I wonder what I did with all my free time!  

As each child got older they gradually dropped the nap and started "reading".  John Paul was the toughest to this transition, since he just loves to nap.  I was motivated to keep him awake since I didn't want him to nap all afternoon and night-owl his way into staying up late with Mommy.  [In an ideal world I wouldn't dream of deliberately keeping a child from sleeping when they wanted to, but I gave up on ideal and reality is that I have limits.  Sorry John Paul, it is what it is.]

Well, right about the time I realized challenge numero uno (John Paul = does not like to give up a nap) another wrinkle developed - Luke, age two, dropping his afternoon nap.  No one was surprised, since Luke hates to sleep and still... to this day.... sleeps less than any of our other children!  So I had John Paul to keep awake and Luke to try to keep still and quiet, every afternoon.  Oh joy. 

And thus began the year that afternoon rest time actually added to my stress level.  It was a harsh transition for this momma.  But, oh happy day, we have persevered and the light at the end of the tunnel is brighter than ever.

One happy side effect is that I now choose to "police" the afternoon rest.  For months this involved a lot of correcting "jumping on the bed is not restful" "if you climb the curtains..." "books are not for throwing".   That was not the "happy side effect" part.

But now that we've successfully come through the hardest months the boys are still in the habit of resting with me.  And I, well, I'm not one who comes by rest naturally.  I'm usually moving, going, doing.  And the list of what needs to get done is long and distinguished and never lets up.

So the happy part is the little-boy-expectation that Mommy sits on the bed in their room and reads while they do their afternoon rest.

That's something I'm happily getting used to.


Anonymous said...

Love how all the kids are so into books! And Isaac looks so grown-up in this picture!
Happy 4th!

Mom said...

Isaac does look so much bigger - than even a month ago! Glad all the household is enjoying afternoon reading this summer.