Thursday, July 9, 2015

my favorite age....

is this age!  For all of them :)

This morning Luke wanted both of us to sit inside the play tent.  Along with his favorite pillow, blankets (plural), and our entire matchbox car collection.  Needless to say the tent wasn't designed to hold all that.  But the smile on his face was priceless.  And surely one day that tent will heave it's final sigh and retire the way broken toys go, but for now its proved its mettle once again.

And then this afternoon Luke and I created an animal picnic.

Some days the mere thought of the many hours I've spent pretending to eat plastic food wearies me.  I declared months ago that I will never play Chutes and Ladders again (and I mean it, too!  That game drives me crazy and life is just too short to suffer at the whimsy of that flimsy spinner and those endless chutes.)

So no, it's not that every single bit of 3 year old life is endearing.  But setting out picnic plates for a menagerie of stuffed wildlife, the zebra - bunny - dinosaur seating pattern giving me an extra reason to smile, well that is one part of 3 year old life that I can LOVE!

Luke, you are my favorite age.  You too, John Paul.  And Isaac.  And Lydia.  And Julianna.

Shoot, maybe it's my age that's my favorite :)

[right now they are 3-4-6-7-9  ...... until Lydia's 8th birthday in August.]


Grandmama said...

Love that animal picnic - what fun memories! Love you, Luke!

Leslie said...

I agree…three is one of my favorite ages. What fun it is to play!! Enjoy your "baby" at this age. :)